
5 Types Of Comments Writers Don’t Need

Not every comment is a good comment. Today, let’s talk about 5 types of comments that can seriously ruin your online experience and why you shouldn’t write them.

I’ve been regularly writing and posting stories online since I was twelve, and I can honestly say I’m glad I do. Through writer’s blocks and dwindling interest, through insecurity and panicked Nobody-will-ever-read-this-what-have-I-done’s, online communities have proven me wrong time and time again. I’ve found endless support, constructive criticism and invaluable friendships on various sites and forums. And frankly, I don’t think I would still write if it wasn’t for them.

With all that said, we all post content on the internet in the hopes that someone else will read it and — if we’re really lucky — comment on it. Comments mean interaction with us, the writer, but also with the content we post. In that sense, comments are worth more than gold.

For the most part.

Unfortunately there are comments that are neither encouraging, nor helpful, nor good, nor do they possess any other, redeeming quality. Comments that don’t aim to help, comments that leave you feeling raw, hurt, and uncomfortable. Comments that may cause you to stop writing altogether.

Comments that really, if you ever find yourself writing one of these, don’t post them. Just don’t. Here we go:

Number 1: Flames
Those are really just a nice term for comments that contain insults, threats, and no redeeming quality whatsoever. Prime examples include “This is worthless,” “My cat could write something better,” and “You’re stupid.” They’re known to include swear words and rarely even deal with the actual content of the post in any significant way. They can also contain homophobic or racist language, religious or self-righteous condemnation, and lots of other fun stuff guaranteed to ruin an unsuspecting writer’s day.

Number 2: Non-constructive criticismΒ 
This one definitely earns its place among those dreaded comments. The bad thing about this type of comment is that, often enough, the person writing them thinks they’re actually being helpful. This encompasses every comment that can essentially be summed up with “I don’t like your story.”

You can be as polite as you want and list as many reasons as you want, that still does nothing but tear the writer down. And for what? Because you didn’t like it. Which is your right, but it’s also your personal opinion. If you don’t like a story dealing with magic then I could write the next Harry Potter and you’d still think it sucks. Here’s the thing: a negative opinion that offers no helpful criticism only serves to discourage the writer. They don’t learn anything from it — except that you don’t like it and they should probably just give up.

Number 3: Demands for moreΒ 
Now this one’s a little trickier because many consider them compliments. After all, when you beg a writer to post the next chapter or write a sequel, you do it because you love their work, right? You’re just being appreciative, right? Funny because when I post an 8k long chapter and fifteen minutes later I get a “MORE” or “UPDATE PLEASE“, I don’t feel very appreciated. At. All.

Here’s the thing: Yes, it’s nice to know that your readers are interested and want to see more of your work. But demanding it — or worse guilting the writer into it — is a shitty thing to do. Especially when the writer is only doing it as a hobby and you can read everything online for free.

There’s a difference between saying “I love it, I can’t wait for the next chapter.” and “Where’s the next chapter? When are you gonna update?” Both express your desire for more, but the latter makes you sound like a bratty child.

Number 4: If you don’t continue I’m going to kill myself.
This one is such an outrageous example that it deserves an entire category of its own. Because. What. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck.

Let me make one thing very, very clear: Threatening to kill yourself is not funny. It’s never funny, and especially not on the internet where the recipient of your threat doesn’t know you and has no way of guessing exactly how serious you are. It’s a shitty, inexcusable thing to do. I don’t care how much you love a story. I don’t care how much it’s helping you cope. I don’t care what other excuses you can think of.

Your mental health does not hinge on the continuation of some story on the internet. Your mental health is not someone else’s responsibility. Especially not that of a total stranger, who’s been doing you a favour by sharing their writing with you for free. Do you have any idea what you put the author of your favourite story through when you write such a comment? Any idea at all?

If I ever see another comment like that again it will be to soon.

Number 5: Spam, self-recommendation and the likesΒ 
Out of all types of comments listed, I consider these the least harmful ones. Sure, they can be annoying, but the worst they cause is the disappointment of the writer, when they realise the comment they were looking forward to answering has nothing at all to do with the content they’ve posted.

Writers don’t need these comments for obvious reasons — which is why they made the list — but I wouldn’t rain down the fires of hell on you for leaving them either. (Honestly, I have nothing against self-recs, as long as you offer useful feedback before leaving it. But I think every writer has their own policy on how they handle these comments.)


What’s the point of this entire post? It’s a simple one. Despite what a lot writers say, not every comment is a good comment. Writers are allowed to defend themselves against their readers too. They don’t have to sit back and take it. And they especially don’t have to be grateful for any comment at all. The list above is the reason why.

No, I’m not trying to convince you to stop commenting. As a writer, I know how helpful and encouraging comments are. What I ask of you is only that you think before you write.

Ask yourself if you would be glad to receive a comment like the one you just wrote. And please remember: This is the internet. You don’t actually know who’s sitting on the other end of that line, reading your comment, and taking every word to heart. You don’t know if it’s a twelve year old who just posted their very first story ever, or a sixty-four year old with multiple published works. You don’t know.

Comment. Be honest. But don’t be a jerk. It’s that simple.

Do you have experience with negative comments of this kind? Was there ever a comment that ruined a story or post for you? Or is there a type of comments I forgot about? I’d love to hear what you think!


a.k.a. The one who has spent more time thinking about comments than writing content lately

By justnoredsmarties

In my mid-twenties. Passionate geek. Writer. In love with fictional worlds. Sarcastic. Not fond of red smarties. Coffee addict and not ashamed to admit it.

8 replies on “5 Types Of Comments Writers Don’t Need”

I don’t seem to get bery many negative comments, I don’t know why, but I guess it’s a good thing. I really love getting my writing out there so I can get feedback, but usually I either don’t get any feedback, or I get constructive feedback. That’s okay, though. So, constructive feedback: I really liked the tone of this post, and they way you balanced humor with genuinely good advice. Most of all, you come across as fully sincere, which can be hard on the internet, and you do it well. great job!

Liked by 1 person

First of all, I’m so, so sorry you only get a reply now! I dropped off wordpress for a while for various reasons, but I should’ve found the time sooner to at least check for any unanswered comments and I didn’t. I’m sorry for that.
Now to your comment: I’m really glad you’ve had so many positive experiences! It’s definitely a good thing. Actually, I think it’s one of the best things about being a writer on the internet and I think it’s pretty clear that you’re doing something right πŸ™‚ And in my experience, constructive feedback is some of the hardest to give, so I’m glad you receive that as well!
And of course thank you very much for your comment and your feedback!! I’m really glad you liked the post and especially the tone because that’s something I find very tricky. It’s hard for me to find the balance between the messages I want to convey and the humorous additions to light it up a little without turning it into ‘too much’. So yeah, bottom line your comment just made me really happy, thank you so much!

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I really agree with this list and I think most people have been there. I’ve had the non-constructive criticism before and it’s just the worst- it’s just really unhelpful and annoyingly framed as if it’s really polite (but I don’t see how it is polite to randomly point out you “just don’t like it”) Wow #4 is just crazy though.

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Totally!!! Sometimes I think the whole ‘polite wording’ is the worst part of non-constructive criticism because it makes it harder for you to argue. If someone just comes right out and tells you you suck, it’s easier to shrug them off as a jerk or troll (at least for me) whereas those you seem nice on the surface bother me for weeks afterwards. But I suppose part of writing is learning to handle all of the negative reactions as well and finding support when you need it.

(Yeah, No. 4 is just wrong. I’m glad I’ve never had to deal with this personally, but I’ve seen it happen to other writers I’ve followed at one time or another and it’s just never good. Never.)

Thank you so much for your comment!!

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Yes for sure! And you can’t point out they’re being impolite, cos of the mask of politeness (which also means they expect a reply, as opposed to the random trolls). Yes for sure! And yeah I agree with you there.
Yeah that sounds terrible!
You’re very welcome!

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Exactly! On the bright side, you can learn to very politely tell someone very unpolite things… I mean, I’m not big on confrontations, but I don’t think a dose of passive-aggressiveness is wrong when someone goes too far. It’s tricky though, and usually I just want those conversations to end quickly, not start a fight.
I hope you’re having a great weekend! πŸ™‚


Fortunately, I haven’t had to deal with extremely negative comments. Usually, I’d get comments from people who don’t agree with what I’m saying and to be honest, I like those comments because it offers a different perspective and more room for a discussion. Comments along the lines of ‘yeah, same’ or ‘I agree with everything’ would leave me at a loss as to what I’m supposed to reply with other than ‘thanks’. Not that they’re not appreciated, of course πŸ™‚

My sister did experience these types of comments before, though, and it made her stop posting her stories online to this day. I kept telling her to not pay attention to negative people, but it’s easier said than done.

You’re totally right when you say ‘you don’t know who’s sitting on the other end of the line’. I think the anonymity of the internet makes people think they’re somehow allowed to be nasty because the author wouldn’t know who they are.

This is a really great post! πŸ˜€

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I’m glad you haven’t had any bad experiences (and definitely hope it’ll stay that way!) And yeah, I couldn’t agree more. (Ironic, I know πŸ™‚ ) Because complete agreement is nice and all, it really is, but hearing other people’s thoughtful arguments on why they don’t think the same can just be so interesting! Of course those kinds of comments are welcome any time!

I’m really sorry your sister had to go through that. You’re right, not paying is easier said than done. She’s not the first or the last who stopped posting because some people don’t know how to be decent on the internet, and it’s a shame. But there’s not a lot you can do against it, unless you already have so much positive feedback that you can use that to push back against the bad stuff. And even that isn’t ideal. I hope she didn’t stop writing altogether!!

Sometimes that’s sadly the case. The internet has a way of making people feel like they don’t have to take responsibility for what they say – and the behavior that leads to can be really ugly.

Thank you very much for reading and for your lovely comment! I’m glad you enjoyed this post πŸ™‚


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